Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Service Learner Spotlight: Christopher Wiger (of YWCA)

Maya Angelou once said, “A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”  Freshman Cobber Christopher Wiger has learned the truth behind this statement. Serving in his first semester at the YWCA, Chris's dedication and compassion have caught the attention of CSC Commissioner Megan Dickerson, and Chris is being bestowed the honor of this month's "Service Learner Spotlight."

The YWCA Cass Clay is a woman's shelter that was established with the goals of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. As a nonprofit organization, the YWCA relies upon the donations of well-off individuals and businesses in the F-M area, but more importantly, it could not survive without the gracious work of consistent volunteers, like Christopher. Every week this semester, Chris has attended the YWCA during his scheduled service hours to help with various donations, build items such as doll houses and paper roll holders, and play with the children there.

Unsure at first about how he could budget a commitment to CSC into his busy schedule, Chris almost didn't sign up to serve. All it took was a little extra push from his friend, and CSC's YWCA Agency Leader, Anna Finck.

"I had heard about Campus Service Commission originally from the Cobber Expo in the Fall," said Chris. "I was going to sign up for it [then] but didn't know if I would have had enough time. Over Christmas break, though, I had this urge to volunteer in the upcoming semester... I also knew Anna from a couple of classes, which was nice to have a familiar name to contact."

Boy, are we glad we got a hold of Chris! When asked what kind of advice he would give to other students who were interested in CSC, but also didn't know if they had enough time to make the commitment, Chris said this:

"I would just say 'go for it!' It may seem like it would be a lot of time before you actually start, but once you get out there and help people out, it is so worth it. Also, apply to a place that you think you would enjoy, and that makes the experience much more meaningful. Going out the YWCA really helps keep things in perspective, and I think it's good to be reminded of what else is going on in the world around us as we continue with our busy lives. We don't have to go across the world to make a difference, we can make a positive difference right here, and right now."

Remarkable words, from an inspiring young Cobber.

At CSC, we don't claim to possess the ability to change the entire world. But we do offer students an opportunity to contribute to the local community in a positive way, and make a difference in somebody's life; it may even be a difference in their own life. 

I asked Chris to describe his semester serving with CSC in one sentence and he said this:


Props to you, Chris.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Service Learner Spotlight: Rachel Dieter (of New American Services)

From the first day we strapped on our Cobber beanies, we were all inundated with the phrase “BREW”---a simple request by our collegiate institution to become more socially aware and increasingly willing to devote our unique resources to the community surrounding us. Rachel Dieter, a CSC Service Learner volunteering at New American Services, has really taken this message to heart.

“Growing up, I had many experiences volunteering with my family and they always encouraged us to get involved.” The nine agencies that Concordia's Campus Service Commission offers served as a wonderful platform for Rachel to stay involved in her service learning mission in college. “Since I was little, I have had a fascination with different cultures and parts of the world. It seemed natural to volunteer with New American Services.”

Understanding the cultural climate of Fargo-Moorhead, which hosts a diverse refugee population, Rachel was excited about the opportunity to serve with N.A.S. because it essentially “brought the world to [her] doorstep.” Rachel's positive attitude and devotion to her service has not gone unnoticed.

CSC Staff Member, and New American Services Agency Coordinator, Lisa Nguyen claims “Rachel is just amazing.”

Serving in her second semester at New American Services, Rachel has never missed a single volunteer session, appearing at the elementary school twice a week for four hours of total weekly service.

“Every time I see her and ask how CSC is going, her face just lights up... I can tell that she's built strong relationships with the students she works with,” boasts Lisa, who is clearly proud of the great service learner that she's snagged for her agency.

Despite her busy schedule and other time commitments, Rachel has made time to continue her growth as a service learner and displayed an obvious passion for her involvement with CSC. When asked what kind of advice she would give to other students who are hesitant about becoming involved, Rachel stated “Just try it out for a semester. If you can plan it into your weekly schedule, it won’t seem like a huge commitment.”

Thank you for your awesome BREW-ing, Rachel!